If you want to generate revenue and profit from e-commerce, then your secret weapon is email. If you have all the time in the world, feel free to spend your days trying to go viral on TikTok. If you have all the money in the world, feel free to spend it on Google Ads. If you want an excellent return on a small investment of time and money, then use email.
If you have half an hour to spare, then watch this video. Come back here when you are finished and tell us you don’t want to use email!
Advertising and social media are very expensive. Advertising in straight euros, social media in time. Email is an extremely cheap and efficient way to communicate with and sell to your customers and potential customers.
We have been Klaviyo partners for a couple of years now and in the last 12 months we have generated over €1 million in extra revenue for a handful of clients using Klaviyo automation and email marketing.
Using Klaviyo and email you can spend less money to acquire email subscribers than you will acquiring customers for your e-commerce store. Then you can work on turning those subscribers into customers at a much higher conversion rate than any social media or advertising channel.
One of our clients spent 12 years building their email list to 5,000 subscribers. That’s a rate of approximately 1 new subscriber per day or 30 per month. After working with us for just 3 hours we increased their email list growth rate to 1 new subscriber per hour. That means they are now adding 5,000 new subscribers approximately every 6 months. How much do they spend to acquire those email subscribers? Nothing. We just changed the layout of their website to encourage newsletter sign-ups.
Email should account for approximately 25% of your revenue (minimum) and is more profitable than advertising. So, to estimate how much money you could make with no other changes simply divide your annual revenue by 3 and that is approximately how much money you are losing by not using Klaviyo email marketing.
We don’t just do marketing as in sending a newsletter. We implement automated email flows like “out of stock, back in stock reminders”, “abandoned cart reminders”, “you haven’t ordered in a while”, “leave a review”, “if you are enjoying product X why not try product Y”, etc.
We can come on board for as little as €800 per month. Some of our clients make as much as €6 per email subscriber per month. So, if you work on a 30% margin then around 500 subscribers per month will pay for us. If you don't have any subscribers – let’s get you 500 in month one!
We can only work with a few clients at a time so contact us for availability. We guarantee we will pay for ourselves in a few months at the most. Don’t leave 25% of your revenue on the table. Call us.