From RTE's Operation Transformation to Shopify
Dr. Eva came to us from a referral through a business partner. We were told that she was having difficulties with her current website and that she wanted to move to a new provider. The brief was that she wanted to keep WordPress and add a small Shopify store. We considered the idea and declined the referral as we are unreasonably, irrationally, and unobjectively full of hatred for WordPress. We gave our reason – which was that there was no good reason for her to use WordPress – and then we said thank you, but no.
We received a reply querying us as to why we believed Shopify on its own would work. We outlined our belief based on experience and many websites that even ignoring the e-commerce aspects Shopify looks better than WordPress, is faster than WordPress, is easier and cheaper to run that WordPress, is significantly easier to use than WordPress, is more reliable and secure than WordPress, and results in less stress induced cardiac episodes than WordPress.
We were summonsed to a meeting, and we were grilled like never before. We had to spend a long afternoon explain that you could have blog posts in Shopify, you could edit your own pages in Shopify, you could upload PDFs to Shopify, etc. We must have said the right things as the next day we got the go ahead to migrate Dr Eva’s Clinics webpage from WordPress to Shopify and of course to add a shop and other functionality.
As I write this case-study on 1st Feb, St. Bridget’s Day 2025 we are just starting month one of working with Dr. Eva and her theme on the E-Commerce Masters Programme we run. So please check back here in a few months for progress and updates.
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